11.24 清华科史哲讲座第5讲

主讲人:Paul Firos(雅典Herakleidon Museum创始馆长)




摘要:古希腊不仅有超群绝伦的理性生活,而且也有令人叫绝的技术成就。希腊化埃及亚历山大的灯塔、游轮,克特西布的压力泵、菲罗的提水器、阿基米德的起重机,希罗的计程车、汽转轮、压榨机,以及安提克塞拉机械,都是希腊辉煌技术成就的典范。Herakleidon Museum关于古希腊技术成就的展品正在中国科技馆展出。展览围绕建筑与公共建设工程、时间与空间的测量、机械工程、自动装置、天文学-安提开塞拉机械装置、造船、艺术与体育中的科技、军事科技、通讯九个主题复原了53件模型,规格大小不等,充分展示了古希腊在科学、技术与艺术方面的成就。本次讲座将介绍这些内容。


Paul Firos studied Information Technology at the University of Toulouse in France.

In 1976 in founded Hotel Data Systems, Inc., a technology company to serve the hospitality industry with over 2000 hotels using its reservations software.

In 2003 he sold the company to focus on the foundation of the Herakleidon Museum in Athens, Greece. Today, the museum is the leading Science and Technology museum in Athens.

He also founded PAN Art Connections, Inc., a company that specializes in exchanging collections between museums.

China Science and Technology Museum and the Herakleidon Museum have exchanged two important collections and you are all invited to see the exhibition EUREKA: Ancient Greek Technology at CSTM.