10.9-10.16 文学达尔文主义


『主讲人』卡罗教授(Joseph Carroll),美国密苏里大学





卡罗教授是文学达尔文主义的创始人和领军人物,现为美国密苏里大学Curators’ Professor。他将进化生物学引入文学批评,突破了后结构主义以来各种后学理论的思想框架,为文学研究提供了新的批评话语和视角。卡罗教授的短期讲学,是他在中文语境中的首次授课,将系统讲解和梳理文学达尔文主义以及西方文学理论研究的最新成果。此次讲学是2016年在清华召开“文学与科学”主题研讨会的前期铺垫和准备。

卡罗教授相关专著有Evolution and Literary Darwinism(University of Missouri Press, 1995),Literary Darwinism: Evolution, Human Nature, and Literature(Routledge, 2004),Reading Human Nature: Literary Darwinism in Theory and Practice(SUNY Press, 2011),Graphing Jane Austen: The Evolutionary Basis of Literary Meaning(with others, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012),Evolution, Literature, and Film: A Reader(with others, Columbia University Press, 2010)等。


文学达尔文主义是在文学研究中引入进化生物学、进化心理学等学科研究成果的一种文学研究新范式。主要内容包括:介绍文学达尔文主义产生的历史境遇和社会环境;学习文学达尔文主义的基本主张和批评方法;探讨文学研究与现代生物学、心理学相结合的途径;了解二十一世纪文理渗透的最新趋势。Literary Darwinism (or Darwinian literary studies) is a branch of literary criticism that studies literature in the context of evolution by means of natural selection, with perspectives drawn from modern evolutionary biology and psychology, and so on. The purpose of this course will be to familiarize the students with the concept and method of Literary Darwinism and its future development. In this course, we shall examine the historical position of Literary Darwinism; explore the origin of literary meaning (the interplay of perspectives among characters, readers and authors) and study the central themes of fiction (/the extremes of conflicts in literature) from the perspective provided by evolutionary biology, and finally examine different scenarios of science in the future development of literary study.



Lecture: “The Historical Position of Literary Darwinism” Reading assigned for class on Monday, Oct. 12:

Hamlet, act one

Joseph Carroll’s essay, “The Truth about Fiction: Biological Reality and Imaginary Lives”

Ambrose Bierce short story, “Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

Joseph Carroll’s essay, “Meaning and Effect in Fiction: A Model of Interpretation Illustrated with a Reading of ‘Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge’”


Lecture: “The Truth about Fiction”

Discussion of assigned reading

Reading assigned for class on Tuesday, Oct 13:

Hamlet, act two

Joseph Carroll’s essay, “The Extremes of Conflict in Literature: Violence, Homicide, and War”


Lecture: “The Extremes of Conflict in Literature”

Discussion of assigned

reading Reading assigned for class on Thursday, Oct. 15

Hamlet, acts 3 & 4

Joseph Carroll’s essay “Three Scenarios for Literary Darwinism”


Meet to view video ofHamlet, no discussion or lecture


Lecture: “Three Scenarios for Literary Darwinism”

Discussion of assigned reading

Reading assigned for class on Friday, October 16

Hamlet, act 5

Joseph Carroll’s essay, “Intentional Meaning in Hamlet”

⑥10月16日(周五)下午3:00-5:00 文南楼204

Lecture: “Intentional Meaning in Hamlet”

Discussion of assigned reading

期间,卡罗教授将以“A Bio-cultural Perspective on the Novels of Yu Hua”为题做一次公开演讲和对话, 用现代生物文化理论解读中国当代先锋作家余华的《活着》、《许三观卖血记》、《兄弟》等长篇小说。中国当代作家的作品比如余华的小说等几乎都有英文译本,在美国有一大批学院和民间的粉丝,卡罗教授几乎读遍余华的英译作品,欢迎广大同学参与对话。


①Joseph Carroll, Evolution and Literary Darwinism University of Missouri Press, 1995

